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VENDYS Video Gallery

Vascular Function vs. Vascular Structure

Dr. Naghavi, the inventor of VENDYS, explains “Functional vs. Structural” measures of vascular disease and how they complement each other.

The Hands and Heart Connection

VENDYS, the only FDA cleared, fully automated, operator independent, non-invasive, easy to use, office-based device for measurement of vascular reactivity and endothelial function.

Endothelial Function Measurement

VENDYS, the only FDA cleared, fully automated, operator independent, non-invasive, easy to use, office-based device for measurement of vascular reactivity and endothelial function.

Could a Stroke be in Your Future?

Dr. Rob explains vascular reactivity and endothelial function measurement as a tool for early detection and prediction of cardiovascular events.

VENDYS II - Introduction

This video briefly introduces Endothelix’s VENDYS II system. VENDYS II is the only FDA-approved automated office-based vascular function measurement device.

Dr. Hauser Explains VENDYS

Dr. Jack Hauser explains why VENDYS is valuable to his cardiology practice and how office-based vascular function testing can help his patients.

UH Engineers Perfecting Medical Technology

VENDYS vascular reactivity technology explained by UH professors.

VENDYS Technology Feature on Ch. 11 News

VENDYS is featured on Channel 11 News.

IR View - VENDYS Neurovascular Reactivity

Infrared video taken of the hands during an endothelial function test.

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