Benefits of VENDYS for your Clinic
The only FDA cleared, fully automated, noninvasive vascular reactivity and endothelial function test in the US.
VENDYS test is reimbursed under CPT 93923 based on various ICD codes.
Provides a noninvasive and direct assessment of vascular function thereby helping doctors to improve their risk assessment for cardiovascular diseases.
Doctors can’t manage what they can’t measure. VENDYS measures "residual risk" in patients who are being treated with medications.
Retest patients periodically to measure their improvements and monitor response to therapy particularly lifestyle interventions.
Colorful and easy to understand VENDYS report can promote adherence to diet / lifestyle changes / meds and other recommendations.
Use VENDYS instead of the regular blood pressure device and get reimbursed for every test as VENDYS test includes BP.
Clinics that average just 5 tests a day can recover their investment in 2-3 months.