Endothelial Dysfunction-related Neurological Bleeds with Continuous Flow-Left Ventricular Assist Devices Measured by Digital Thermal Monitor
Areeba Ali, Cesar Uribe, Raquel Araujo-Gutierrez, Ana S Cruz-Solbes, Hernan G Marcos-Abdala, Keith A Youker, Ashrith Guha, Guillermo Torre-Amione, Duc T Nguyen, Edward A Graviss, John P Cooke, Arvind Bhimaraj
ASAIO J 2021 May 1;67(5):561-566.
Abstract Endothelial dysfunction has been demonstrated in patients with Continuous Flow-Left Ventricular Assist Devices (CF-LVADs) but association with adverse events has not been shown. We used a noninvasive, operator-independent device called VENDYS® to assess vasodilatory function based on digital thermal measurements postrelease of a brachial artery occlusion in ambulatory patients with CF-LVAD (n = 56). Aortic valve opening and pulse perception were also documented before the test. Median duration of CF-LVAD support was 438 days. The VENDYS® test generates a vascular reactivity index (VRI). Outcomes for the CF-LVAD patients were compared between VRI < 1 and VRI ≥ 1. The bleeding events were driven primarily by a difference in neurologic bleeds. Multivariate analysis showed that VRI < 1 correlated with future bleeding events (HR: 5.56; P = 0.01). The C-statistic with the VRI dichotomized as above was 0.82. There was a trend toward a worse survival in patients with poor endothelial function. Endothelial vasodilatory dysfunction measured by a simple test utilizing digital thermal monitoring can predict adverse bleeding events in patients with CF-LVADs.
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