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❤️ Comparison of Resveratrol Supplementation and Energy Restriction Effects on

ANS and Vascular Reactivity: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Molecules 2021 May 26;26(11):3168 Comparison of Resveratrol Supplementation and Energy Restriction Effects on Sympathetic Nervous System Activity and Vascular Reactivity: A Randomized Clinical Trial Gustavo Henrique Ferreira Gonçalinho 1, Alessandra Roggerio 1, Marisa Fernandes da Silva Goes 1, Solange Desirée Avakian 1, Dalila Pinheiro Leal 1, Célia Maria Cassaro Strunz 1, Antonio de Padua Mansur 1 Abstract Background: Chronic sympathetic nervous system activation is associated with endothelial dysfunction and cardiometabolic disease, which may be modulated by resveratrol (RSV) and energy restriction (ER). This study aimed to examine the effects of RSV and ER on plasma noradrenaline (NA), flow-mediated vasodilation (ed-FMD), and endothelium-independent nitrate-mediated vasodilation (ei-NMD). Methods: The study included 48 healthy adults randomized to 30-days intervention of RSV or ER. Results: Waist circumference, total cholesterol, HDL-c, LDL-c, apoA-I, and plasma NA decreased in the ER group, whilst RSV increased apoB and total cholesterol, without changing plasma NA. No effects on vascular reactivity were observed in both groups. Plasma NA change was positively correlated with total cholesterol (r = 0.443; p = 0.002), triglycerides (r = 0.438; p = 0.002), apoA-I (r = 0.467; p = 0.001), apoB (r = 0.318; p = 0.032) changes, and ei-NMD (OR = 1.294; 95%CI: 1.021-1.640). Conclusions: RSV does not improve cardiometabolic risk factors, sympathetic activity, and endothelial function. ER decreases plasma NA and waist circumference as well as improves blood lipids, but does not modify endothelial function. Finally, plasma NA was associated with ei-NMD, which could be attributed to a higher response to nitrate in patients with greater resting sympathetic vasoconstriction. Keywords: calorie restriction; cardiovascular diseases; endothelial dysfunction; noradrenaline; resveratrol; sympathetic nervous system; vascular reactivity.


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